Course Objectives

  • To ‘learn-as-you-go’ at your own pace

  • To provide insights into the subtler aspects of Meditation, Cleaning and Inner Connect

  • To improve and deepen the practice by reviewing the methods, self-observation, and introspection.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Heartful Insights

    • Welcome to Heartful Insights

  • 2

    M010: Purpose of Meditation

    • Purpose of Meditation - I

    • Reflections

    • Purpose of Meditation - II

  • 3

    M020: The Method of Meditation

    • The Method of Meditation - I

    • Reflections

    • The Method of Meditation - II

  • 4

    M030: When and Where to Meditate

    • When and Where to Meditate - I

    • Reflections

    • When and Where to Meditate - II

  • 5

    M040: Meditative Posture

    • Meditative Posture - I

    • Reflections

    • Meditative Posture - II

  • 6

    M050: Attitude During Meditation

    • Attitude During Meditation - I

    • Reflections

    • Attitude During Meditation - II

  • 7

    M060: Meditating Effortlessly

    • Meditating Effortlessly - I

    • Reflections

    • Meditating Effortlessly - II

  • 8

    M070: How to Retain the Condition

    • How to Retain the Condition - I

    • Reflections

    • How to Retain the Condition - II

  • 9

    M080: Thoughts During Meditation

    • Thoughts during Meditation - I

    • Reflections

    • Thoughts during Meditation - II

  • 10

    M100: Overcoming Barriers to Meditation

    • Overcoming Barriers to Meditation - I

    • Reflections

    • Overcoming Barriers to Meditation - II

  • 11

    M110: Writing Your Journal

    • Writing your Journal - I

    • Reflections

    • Writing your Journal - II

  • 12

    C010: Why Do We Do Cleaning

    • Why Do We Do Cleaning - I

    • Reflections

    • Why Do We Do Cleaning - II

  • 13

    C020: Types of Cleaning

    • Types of Cleaning

  • 14

    C030: The Method of Cleaning

    • The Method of Cleaning - I

    • Reflections

    • The Method of Cleaning - II

  • 15

    C040: When to do Cleaning

    • When to do Cleaning - I

    • Reflections

    • When to do Cleaning - II

  • 16

    C050: Emergency Cleaning

    • Emergency Cleaning - I

    • Reflections

    • Emergency Cleaning - II

  • 17

    C060: Avoid Forming Impressions

    • Avoid Forming Impressions - I

    • Reflections

    • Avoid Forming Impressions - II

  • 18

    P010: Setting a Higher Goal

    • Setting a Higher Goal - I

    • Reflections

    • Setting a Higher Goal - II

  • 19

    P020: Barriers to Reaching Our Goal

    • Barriers to Reaching Our Goal - I

    • Reflections

    • Barriers to Reaching Our Goal - II

  • 20

    P030: Overcoming The Barriers

    • Overcoming The Barriers - I

    • Reflections

    • Overcoming The Barriers - II

  • 21

    P040: Heartfulness Prayer

    • Heartfulness Prayer - I

    • Reflections

    • Heartfulness Prayer - II

  • 22

    P050: When to Offer the Prayer

    • When to offer the Prayer - I

    • Reflections

    • When to offer the Prayer - II

  • 23

    P060: The Heartfulness Daily Cycle

    • The Heartfulness Daily Cycle - I

    • Reflections

    • The Heartfulness Daily Cycle - II