Course Objectives

  • To provide seekers with an opportunity to reflect on what Daaji is sharing in His 2018-2021 talks and messages.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    WELCOME to The Listening to Yearning of the Heart Series (3 Perspectives)

    • Introduction

    • Who is this for?

    • How to get the most out of it?

  • 2

    PERSPECTIVE ONE: A Human Becoming: Jumping over Life's Hurdles

    • Pause and Poise

    • Perspective 1 Introduction

    • How to Navigate

    • Topics

  • 3

    Glimpse 1: Replace the Forceful Will with the Subtle Suggestion

    • Pause and Poise

    • Meditation Is Surrendering to Inner Stillness, Not Regulating Breathing

    • A Silent, Prayerful Suggestion Is More Powerful than the Individual Will

    • With a Subtle Suggestion, Feel His Presence Outside too

    • RECAP

  • 4

    Glimpse 2: Be in Remembrance

    • Pause and Poise

    • Constant Remembrance Is the Foundation

    • Invoke Daaji's Help Each TIme You Change a Task

    • Humility Is Dependence on Your Master

    • RECAP

  • 5

    Glimpse 3: Stop Forming Samskaras

    • Pause and Poise

    • Be Vigilant about Not Forming Samskaras

    • Constant Remembrance Prevents Us from Forming Samskaras

    • Our Likes and Dislikes Form Samskaras

    • Point C Plays a Key Role in Forming Impressions

    • Care for Point C to Avoid Pain at Points A and B

    • Stay in His Remembrance

    • RECAP

  • 6

    Glimpse 4: Know, Feel and Enliven Your Condition

    • Pause and Poise

    • Appreciate the New Level of Consciousness that Each Meditation Offers

    • Acquire the Condition Gifted in Meditation

    • Experience Enlivening to Enlighten

    • Always Know, Feel and Accept Your Condition

    • All Is Spiritual Work

    • RECAP

  • 7

    Glimpse 5: Replace Talk with Silence

    • Pause and Poise

    • Do Not Argue

    • Become Selfless

    • Never Offer Advice

    • Handle Misunderstanding with Silence

    • Be Humble

    • RECAP

  • 8

    Glimpse 6: Jump over Life's Hurdles

    • Pause and Poise

    • Accept Urgency and Discomfort to Evolve

    • Our Guide's Tireless Efforts Keep Us Progressing

    • Practice to Develop an Attitude of Empowered, Grateful Acceptance

    • Become Comfortable with Discomfort

    • Let Urgency and Acceptance Work Together

    • RECAP

  • 9

    Glimpse 7: Accept Challenges As Opportunities

    • Pause and Poise

    • Accept Misery

    • Our Challenges Are Our Proudest Moments

    • Difficulties Help Us Evolve

    • Know You Are Always Being Helped

    • Hurdles Are Signs of Expansion

    • RECAP

  • 10

    Glimpse 8: Accept and Redirect Anger

    • Pause and Poise

    • Witness and Feel Your Inner Condition when Angry

    • Let the Energy that Fuels Anger, Fuel Peace

    • Awareness Speeds Up Recovery from Anger

    • Anger Serves a Divine Purpose

    • Redirect Anger to Expand Consciousness

    • Criticism, a Cause of Anger and an Opportunity for Growth

    • RECAP

  • 11

    Glimpse 9:Move towards Simplicity, Insignificance, and Humility

    • Pause and Poise

    • Simplicity, Insignificance and Humility

    • The Drop Becomes the Ocean

    • Realize the Source of the Divine Presence in Your Heart

    • Bhakti Is Our Lifeline on the Inner Journey

    • RECAP

  • 12


    • Pause and Poise

    • Transform in 90 Days

    • Start with a Whole Day in Remembrance

    • RECAP: Becoming Human: Jumping over Life’s Hurdles

    • Final Summary

    • Congratulations!

    • Feedback