The Level One Heartfulness Kids Yoga Course is a 25-hour online course. In this course you will explore and experience how to approach and teach yoga for children from the age of five to eighteen from a Heartfulness perspective. Participants will be planning and teaching flows for all three age groups covered. 

Format: Online twice a week

12 sessions of 2 hours each

Duration: 4 to 6 weeks according to batches

Eligibility: Completion of Teacher Training Course 200 hours from a recognised yoga institution.

Fees: INR 8000

See the Schedule

Please block these dates for the course

Why Heartfulness?

Why Heartfulness? Heartfulness Kids Yoga is not just about Asanas but includes all aspects of Yoga and encompasses all the dimensions of the child. We follow the principles of ashtanga yoga of Patanjali, looking at the child in its community and experiencing the need for discipline, self discipline, and to live safely in a community. It starts on the mat! We learn to care about the other one while practicing in a group, understanding my space, my person and respecting the other one.
Heartfulness adds another dimension to each class: the heart-space, where love, inner balance and contentment resides. This is a unique element of the practice of yoga for kids in Heartfulness, helping the young generation to lead their life through the heart, guided by the principles of the heart, transforming humanity.


What will I get out of it?

By the end of this course, participants will:
- Understand the basics of teaching Yoga for kids of all ages
- Feel confident to include Heartfulness elements in a kids yoga class
- Understand the developmental stages of children of different ages
- Be able to design kids yoga classes in alignment with these stages
- Discern the differences in design, approach, and attitude between Adult and Kids Yoga classes
- Discern the differences in design, approach and attitude for each of the 3 age groups
- Have an opportunity to then take the Level 2 course where we will go deeper into the neurophysiology and developments of the brain, explore how to weave in a yogic lifestyle and some other aspects of yoga into kids yoga classes.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Kids Yoga

    • Welcome to the Kids Yoga Course Level 1!

    • Session 1. A Heartfulness approach to kids yoga

    • Session 2:.Developmental stages of a child, How is Kids Yoga different from Yoga for adults?

    • Heartfulness Kids Yoga_level 1 Reference Document.pdf

  • 2

    Focus Age Group: 5-8 year olds

    • Session 3. Key elements in a yoga class for 5-8 year olds.

    • Session 4. Design and teach kids yoga session for 5-8 year olds with feedback

    • Session 5. Design and teach kids yoga session for 5-8 year olds with feedback

    • Choice of Asanas for a beginner 5-8 year old class

  • 3

    Focus Age Group: 8-12 year olds

    • Session 6. Key elements in a yoga class for 8-12 year olds.

    • Session 7. Design and teach kids yoga session for 8-12 year olds with feedback

    • Session 8. Design and teach kids yoga session for 8-12 year olds with feedback

    • Choice of Asanas for a beginner 8-12 year old class

  • 4

    Focus Age Group: Teens 12 to 18 year olds

    • Session 9. Special considerations for teens. Key elements in a yoga class for teens.

    • Session 10. Design and teach kids yoga session for teens with feedback

    • Session 11. Design and teach kids yoga session for teens with feedback

    • Choice of Asanas for a beginner 12-19 year old class

  • 5

    Course ending

    • Session 12. Review and Clarifications


Certificate of completion from the Heartfulness Yoga Academy

To complete the course, students are required to attend 80% of the online sessions with camera on, complete assignments and preparation on time, teach during the class, and implement the feedback shared. A practical experience of teaching an in person Heartfulness Kids Yoga class is required for course completion. Participants can either record and share a session or can teach a Heartfulness Kids Yoga class at Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad, India.

Social proof: testimonials

Feel confident & professional


I conducted yoga for kids but somewhere deep within was not very confident as I was not aware of the intricacies. Attending the heartfulness kids yoga training has brought so much of clarity and confidence in me. The sessions were highly interactive and each one of the participants got opportunities to prepare and teach first to the group of participants then to kids. We are now able to conduct yoga for kids more professionally and confidently.

For the passionate!


Anyone passionate about yoga and passionate about kids, the Kids level 1 HFN yoga course is just 'what the Dr ordered!' I really liked the inclusivity of the in-course assessment format - the trainer after his/her demo is asked to assess herself/himself, she/he is then assessed by the other trainees and the third assessment by all the course faculty; this creates an atmosphere of oneness and togetherness.


Meet your trainers

Kids Yoga Teacher

Leah Rich

Leah loves being with children and has worked with children most of her adult life. Her professional background is in curriculum development and teaching and she has over 15 years of teaching experience in international schools in China, India and schools in the US. She has worked with children of all ages, from two to eighteen. Drawing from her own childhood where she was a competitive swimmer and triathlete, she most enjoys connecting with children through movement. Her journey of yoga began with meditation in 2003 and Heartfulness meditation in 2004. Currently she is a lead facilitator for Heartfulness Kids Yoga courses, and teaches Kids Yoga and Kids Swimming classes at Kanha Shantivanam, Hyderabad, India.

Yoga Teacher

Soumya Baranwal

Soumya is a Yoga trainer with a passion for leading a balanced life, spiritually and materially. From early childhood she was highly influenced by Vedantic and moral stories. Great saints like Shri Ram Chandra, Kabir and Vivekananda framed her life through their teachings. She started Yoga meditation, aided with transmission, at the age of 17. She has been a yoga trainer (RYT500) with an inclination to use Yoga for prevention, patients and prenatal yoga. She also teaches Yoga for school children and loves spending time with kids. She has more than 6 years of experience as a Yoga trainer and she loves learning and sharing her learnings. She enjoys dancing, nature walk, art & craft and meditation.

Director Heartfulness Yoga Academy

Dr. Veronique Nicolai

Véronique Nicolaï is a French Pediatrician (MD), meditation trainer and Yoga instructor (E-RYT500 – RYPT) settled in India with her family since 1999. She started her journey in Yoga with Heartfulness meditation in France as a medical student. Convinced that meditation is one of the simple lifestyle adjustments that can bring about significant change in the field of health, she currently drives Yoga events and courses for the Heartfulness Yoga Academy in Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad, India. She believes that adding yoga as part of the daily routine help children to grow into harmonious, confident and happy beings.


  • Do I need to be certified as a yoga teacher to take this course?

    Yes. This course is a specialisation for certified yoga teachers who are already teaching adult classes. It builds on the foundation of a good teacher training course (TTC). Completion of any TTC200 is a prerequisite to enroll in this course.

  • How long is the course?

    The course duration varies according to the batches - it can take 4 to 6 weeks to complete the training. Please check the batches that suits you.

  • What are the timings and content of the course?

    In general, this course will have 2, two-hour sessions over a 6-week period. Participants will then have 4 weeks to teach and submit a recording of an in-person kids yoga class for observation and feedback.

  • Can I take this course at my own pace and watch the recordings?

    No. Although this course is online, the sessions are live and attendance to the live sessions is mandatory. There will be work in breakout rooms and live teaching from the students. Attendance with camera on is needed!

  • What happens if I can't finish the course? Can I get a refund?

    As a policy, once fees have been paid, we do not offer a refund. If you’re unable to complete the course, you can enroll in the following one. If you start the course and are unable to complete it, you can join the next course and complete it then.