An International Yoga Certification

The Heartfulness Yoga School is registered with Yoga Alliance.

As RYS200 and RYS300, we offer multiple courses with these accreditations.

Find the right Yoga programs offered in the Heartfulness Yoga Academy.

Become a certified yoga teacher

Welcome to the Yoga Teachers Training program.

If you are currently practicing Yoga as a regular daily practice and you would like to become a certified Yoga trainer, start your education with us in the Heartfulness Yoga Academy. 

In the Heartfulness Yoga Teacher Training Course 200 hours, You will learn to teach asanas and Pranayama with their benefits, contraindications and modifications. Explore the philosophy and science of Yoga and its great traditions.

 This is an international certification recognized by Yoga Alliance. We offer TTC200 online and on-site in Vrads Sande Denmark 

The course needs a prior basic experience in Yoga practice before taking the course.

Attendance for all live sessions is mandatory in order to receive certification. Please review the schedule below to see if you can commit to all live sessions. While the sessions will be hosted in Vrads, Denmark

The final two weeks of the training are on site at the Vrads Sande Ashram. Ashram is in the heart of Jutland (Jylland) in Denmark.

Course Fee : 1950/- Euro

Click me for SCHEDULE

Vrads Sande Ashram, Denmark

Welcome to Vrads Sande, in the heart of Jutland (Jylland) in Denmark. Ashram is situated on 18 hectares of natural reserves with beautiful landscapes and a large variety of flora and fauna.

 The closest airport is Billund - 45 km away with daily flights from many European cities. The closest railway and long distance bus station is Silkeborg - 20 km away. The local bus station is in Bryrup -8 km from the Ashram. 

Getting here by car: use this map, or

 Navigate to:  Vrads Sande Vej 4, 8654 Bryrup, Denmark.

Course curriculum

Pre-recorded sessions are accessible only on enrolment
Week 1- 6 are self-paced learning Live Webinar's on Sundays

Week 7 & 8 are Onsite at the Heartfulness Meditation Centre
in Vrads, Denmark.

  • 1

    Before starting

    • Getting Ready

    • Your Companion Book

    • Intention Setting

  • 2

    Week-1 Introduction to the world of Yoga

    • Welcome

    • Safe Practice

    • Practice Video - One hour flow W1F1

    • Asana Video 1 - Surya Namaskar

    • Theory Video 1 - Yogic Lifestyle

    • Theory Video_2- History of Yoga

    • Week 1 - Quiz

    • End of Week 1

    • My Companion Book - Week 1

  • 3

    Week-2 Yogic Anatomy and Physiology

    • Welcome to Week 2

    • Practice Video - One hour flow W2F2

    • Asana video 1 - Titali Asana

    • Asana Video 3- Trikonasana

    • Asana video 2- Bhadrasana

    • Theory Video 1- Yogic Anatomy

    • Theory video 2- Ayurveda

    • Introduction to Heartfulness Meditation

    • Week 2 - Quiz

    • My Companion Book

  • 4

    Week-3 Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita

    • Welcome to 'Week 3'!

    • Practice Video - One hour flow W3F3

    • Asana Video 1- Virabhadrasana 1

    • Аsana Video 2- Virabhadrasana 2

    • Аsana Video 3- Shalabhasana

    • Theory Video 1- Bhagavad Gita

    • Theory Video 2- Skeletal System

    • Introduction to Heartfulness Cleaning

    • Quiz 3

    • My Companion Book

  • 5

    Week-4 The 4 paths of Yoga

    • Welcome to Week 4

    • Practice Video - One hour flow W4F4

    • Аsana Video 1- Paschimottanasana

    • Аsana Video 2- Rajakapotasana

    • Аsana Video 3- Parivrtta Janu Sirshasana

    • Theory Video 1- Four Path of Yoga

    • Тheory Video 2- Мuscular System

    • Introduction to Inner Connect

    • Quiz 4

    • My Companion Book

  • 6

    Week-5 Yoga and Breathing

    • Welcome to Week 5

    • Practice Video - One hour flow W5F5

    • Аsana Video 1- Bhujangasana

    • Аsana Video 2- Dhanurasana

    • Аsana Video 3- Setu Bandhasana

    • Тheory Video 1- Sankhya Philosophy

    • Theory Video 2 - Cardiovascular System

    • Тheory Video 3 - Respiratory System

    • The Condition

    • My Companion Book

    • Week 5 - Quiz

  • 7

    Week-6 From Patanjali to Modern Yogis

    • Welcome to Week 6!!

    • Practice Video - One hour flow W6F6

    • W6A1 - Marjariasana

    • W6A2 - Shashankasana

    • Тheory Video 1- Аshtanga Yoga

    • Тheory Video 2- Modern Schools of Yoga

    • My Companion Book

    • Week 6 Quiz

  • 8

    Week 7 Day 1

    • Day 01 - Yoga Sutra Class 01 Explaining the benefits of chanting Meaning of Opening & Closing Prayers + Om Chanting OM Experience of OM Chanting

    • Day 01 - Theory of Asana _ Sukhasana, Siddhasana, Surya Namaskar

    • Loosening Exercise

  • 9

    Week 7 Day 2

    • Day 02 - Yoga Sutra Class 02 Chanting Opening and Closing Prayers + Pronunciation + Memorization word by work Explanation of Yoga Sutras Chanting + Yogena Chitasya Prayer Chanting + Meaning

    • Day 02 - Theory of Asana 02 Abdominal breathing, Tadasana, Vriksasana

  • 10

    Week 7 Day 3

    • Day 03 - Theory of Asana 03 Yogic breathing: Om chanting Uttanasana Trikonasana

    • Day 03 - Chanting Class 03 Yogena Chittasia prayer pronunciation + memorization Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 1 To 4

    • Quiz 1

    • Goal of Yoga PDF

  • 11

    Week 7 Day 4

    • Day 04 - Chanting Class 03 Yogena Chittasia prayer pronunciation Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting Sutras 1 to 4

    • Day 04 - Theory of Asana 04 Nadi Shuddhi (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parsva Uttanasana

    • Quiz 2

    • Spiritual Anatomy and Evolution of Consciousness PDF

  • 12

    Week 7 Day 5

    • Day 05 - Chanting class 04 Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 5 To 11

    • Day 05 - Theory of Asana 05 Kapalabhathi, Virabhadrasana 1 & 3 ,Utkatasana

    • Quiz 3

    • Tantra and Hatha Yoga Principles PDF

  • 13

    Week 7 Day 6

    • Day 06 - Chanting Class 06 Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 5 To 11

    • Day 06 - Theory of Asana 06 Bhramari Pranayama, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana

    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

    • Quiz 4

  • 14

    Week 7 Day 7

    • Day 07 - Chanting Class 07 - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 12 to 18

    • Day 07 - Theory of Asana 07 - Rajakapotasana, Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana

    • Raja Yoga

    • Quiz 5

  • 15

    Week 8 Day 1

    • Day 08 - Chanting Class 08 - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 12 to 18

    • Day 08 - Theory of Asana 08 - Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana

    • Quiz 6

    • Ashtanga Yoga

  • 16

    Week 8 Day 2

    • Day 09 - Chanting Class 09 - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 19 to 20

    • Day 09 - Theory of Asana 09 - Dhanurasana, Setubandhasana

  • 17

    Week 8 Day 3

    • Day 10- Chanting Class 10 - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 19 to 20

    • Day 10 -Theory of Asana 10 - Uttanapadasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana

    • HFN Yatra

    • Quiz 7

  • 18

    Week 8 Day 4

    • Day 11 - Chanting Class 11 - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 1 to 20 Sutras Chap 2 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras- 29, 30, 32, 46, 49

    • Day 11 - Theory of Asana 11 - How to make a Flow

    • Quiz 8

    • Hatha Yoga, Raja Y

  • 19

    Week 8 Day 5

    • Day 12 - Chanting Class 12 - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 1 to 20 Sutras Chap 2 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras- 29, 30, 32, 46, 49

    • Day 12 - Theory of Asana 12 - Pranayama: Bhastrika, Shitali, Shitkari, Ujjayi

  • 20

    Week 8 Day 6

    • Day 13 & 14 - Chanting Class - Sutras Chap 1 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras 1 to 20 Sutras Chap 2 with English Translation + meaning Chanting and memorization Sutras- 29, 30, 32, 46, 49,54

  • 21

    TTC Main flow

    • Asana Flow

  • 22

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras

    • Yoga Sutras


Lead Trainer

Amar Srividya

Amar Srividya’s passion for yoga led him to explore different styles of yoga: in Hatha Yoga E-RYT500 hrs, Ashtanga Yoga (Mysore) and Prenatal Yoga and Pranayama course from the Bihar School of Yoga. He completed his Master of Yogic Science. Amar has been training people of different age groups in India and abroad. Prior to this, Amar has six years of work experience in the Human Resource Departments in the corporate sector.

Lead Trainer

Marion Marceau

Prior to being a yoga teacher, Marion had a strong experience as an educator in France and abroad. Her love for Indian culture pushed her to settle down in India for many years where she learned Heartfulness meditation under the guidance of her Master and expanded her knowledge and experience in the realm of Yoga. Marion has been certified as a yoga teacher from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta organisation in India. Marion is a Registered Yoga Teacher (E- RYT 500) with Yoga Alliance.

TTC 200