Heartfulness Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
With the Heartfulness Advanced Teacher Training Course 300 hours, deepen your knowledge and practice of Yoga and reach new levels of understanding as a practitioner and as a teacher. Study yoga philosophy in depth, experience deeper meditative states and expand your consciousness to take your spiritual journey further.
The course is certified by the Yoga Alliance (RYS300).
This course is open to students who have taken the TTC200 in Heartfulness Yoga Academy. If you are coming from another school, please apply so that we can review.
Fees : INR 75000 /- USD 920/-
Next ATTC300:
Part 1: September 11 to 22, 2024
Part 2 : February 13 to March 02, 2025
- Restorative and other styles of asana practice.
- Planning and structuring a class, sequencing
- Regular student teaching practice and feedback from teachers
- Alignment, adjustment, teaching techniques.
- Daily hands-on-adjustments by teachers to deepen your personal practice.
- Modifications, and advanced variations of numerous postures.
- Use of props: blocks, bolsters, straps, blankets, and walls in your practice.
- Regular themed-workshops practice
- Teaching practice, receiving and giving feedback
- Principles of demonstration
- Observing, assisting and correcting
- Instructions guidelines, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher
To know more
Our 300h Teacher Training course is a continuation of the Heartfulness TTC 200. It gives you the opportunity to enhance your own practice, exploring advanced Asanas and
Pranayamas in a safe environment, experiencing the subtle vibrations born out of regular chanting practice of traditional yogic texts like the Yoga Sutras or the Bhagavad Gita. Rediscovering the transformative energy built through a disciplined life conducted in a sacred ashram environment. And of course diving deeper into your meditation practice aided by the Heartfulness Transmission, keeping and cultivating the acquired conditions to improve the quality of your day to day life and interactions.
When you join our TTC300 course, you already have a minimum of 1 year experience in teaching yoga and we take you further into the art of teaching, giving you techniques to support your students and offer them variations according to their physical abilities, using props to explore different postures safely.
As a group of Yoga teachers, we share our experiences, our difficulties and find in our community the support and inspiration needed to continue on the path of Yoga.
The TTC300 is also a great opportunity to dive deeper into the roots of the Yogic culture, exploring the heritage literature of Heartfulness with Lalaji Maharaj and Babuji Maharaj and understanding the rich and traditional Vedic context from which it was born. We will explore different schools of philosophy like Sankhya, Yoga and Vedanta and see how it links to our Heartfulness Tradition.
You will have the opportunity to teach a theory class related to yoga, practice your presentation skills and learn how to offer constructive feedback, in order to make you ready to embark on a Yoga Lead Trainer’s journey.
The four weeks program is happening at Kanha Shanti Vanam India.
Why choose Heartfulness Yoga?
Heartfulness Yoga is a complete Eight Limb Yoga practice. Heartfulness Yoga keeps the heart at the center of the practice for a deeply transformative effect. Asanas and pranayama practices are added to the pillars of Heartfulness: Meditation with Yogic Transmission, Rejuvenation and Inner Connect.
The dedicated and competent team of mentors and the small batch of students ensure the individual support of each student. Students naturally gain skills and knowledge in teaching yoga, incorporating the unique touch of Heartfulness tools in their yoga classes.

Lead Trainer
Amar Srividya

Lead Trainer
Marion Marceau